The Dandelions

.. the mutual admiration and bashing society.

Posts Tagged ‘1Malaysia’

Wear BLACK on August 31st!

Posted by ella-mae on August 25, 2009

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All We Need Is Music!!!!!!!

Posted by barbie on April 27, 2009

I’m not sure whether it’s in our water or food, but our recent new leaders seem to have a fondness for spouting popular-sounding slogans and catchy phrases…..and they seem to think Malaysians are still quite so gullible to swallow every slogan, hook, line and sinker……..

And it seems their team of so-called PR experts have come up with some hare-brained idea on how to actually and finally make those catchy sounding slogans work and accepted.

Know why Badawi’s Islam Hadhari died such a horrible and pathetic death?

And why Najib’s “1Malaysia” will “potentially” be successful? *ahem ahem*

Well, other than the fact that it seems pretty obvious that Najib’s team is working overtime with many recent popular moves (such as the child conversion and 30% bumi equity) to ensure his concept doesn’t die in the same embarrassing manner as Badawi (regardless of how superficial the efforts seem), it seems that they’ve finally found the “secret ingredient”……….*drum roll*

Contest for 1Malaysia song

KUALA KLAWANG, 27 April 2009: The Information, Communication and Culture Ministry will launch a contest to identify the best composer for the 1Malaysia song.

Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said just like other songs that inculcate patriotism in their composition, especially songs like Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita and those that promote reading, the ministry also wanted the 1Malaysia song lyrics to attract listeners.

“God willing, I hope we can get a good response from composers and we hope to pick the best composition,” he told reporters after attending a dinner hosted by Kelab Rekreasi Warga Tua, Kuala Klawang here last night.

Dr Rais who is also Jelebu Member of Parliament said the song would represent all races.

The 1Malaysia song, to be in composed in Bahasa Malaysia, would be widely aired on all TV and radio stations according to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s wishes.



Badawi must be slapping his forehead really hard 😛

Perhaps that is why our Malaysian National Service is so “well received” despite so many unneccesary deaths? Check out the “inspiring” music video that has gotten all our youths excited over National Service once again…….

Posted in Current Affairs, government, Malaysia, Meaningless | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 7 Comments »

“1Malaysia” – Malaysia Under 1…….

Posted by barbie on April 17, 2009

Rais Yatim, the expert somersaulter is making the headlines again. We can never get enough stale, puke inducing statements from Umno ministers, even from the so called the ‘educated’ bunch. This bugger has a Phd I tell you, and his doctorate paper was titled – “Freedom under Executive Power in Malaysia: A Study of Executive Supremacy” which he dedicated to “all who have suffered from the tyranny of executive excesses.”

It mind boggling (actually, not really.. lah! just being polite here) that a person with such background and credentials would turn into a poppycock offering ridiculous opinions like “losing Pedre Brance aka Pulau Batu Putih to Singapore is a win-win situation”. Well, we can’t expect much from an intellectual whore, right? Oopss.. by calling Rais an intellectual whore, am I breaking any law here? *chuckles*

(Bernama) – The government is not looking to find fault with bloggers and other internet users but would like them to follow the law to ensure they did not misuse it.

Oh sure man! As long as we write like any of your MSM dogs, everything will be peachy. How about telling them to follow the law as well? Cannot lah double standards, and why singled out ‘bloggers and internet users?’

Minister of Information, Communication and Culture Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the ministry played an important role in establishing only the right kind of information reached the masses.

Rais Yatim….OOPS!!….I mean “Living Dinosaur”….. 😛

“It is not that we are looking for faults all the time. But we would like the right of the people to be guarded by the relevant authorities and the law. “Our aim is to see the 1Malaysia concept succeed.

However, in order to succeed, the facts must not be twisted or misinterpreted by some until it raises racial sentiments.

Twisted or misinterpreted, u say??? How about misquoted? You think people are dumb like you? My foot twisted and misinterpreted. I bet people misintepreted you when you said “Bok House is not a heritage building“, when you actually wanted to say it is??? What?? Come on lah, we are not so smart like you to decipher what are you trying to say, stop confusing stupid people like us.

“If the right information does not reach the people how can there be success?

Hey Mr. Living-Dinosaur-Minister, please elaborate what is the RIGHT information?

What is NOT raising racial sentiments!!???


Jangan membuat permintaan yang bukan-bukan – Utusan Malaysia

Pemimpin politik dan badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) Melayu kelmarin menyeru orang Melayu bangkit bersatu bagi menghadapi tuntutan kaum lain yang semakin keterlaluan.

Kita menyeru kepada bukan Melayu supaya jangan lagi membangkitkan dan mencabar ketuanan Melayu yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi, kedaulatan raja-raja Melayu dan hak istimewa orang Melayu.

Dalam menjaga keharmonian dan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat majmuk, elok rasanya kita jangan mengungkit dan membuat permintaan yang bukan-bukan.

Terimalah apa yang telah diberikan.

Mengapa masa kini perpaduan kaum dilihat kian longgar.

Jika kita kembali merenung lima tahun lalu, suasana perpaduan kaum kita dicemburui oleh negara-negara lain.

Tetapi kenapa sejak pilihan raya umum 2008, suasana tiba-tiba berubah.

Dengan pelantikan Perdana Menteri baru yang membawa bersamanya gagasan Satu Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Prestasi Diutamakan, inilah masa untuk semua kaum bersatu membina negara kita mengharungi cabaran yang mendatang.

Alangkah baiknya jika kita ketepikan sengketa dan perbalahan atas nama politik.

Semua kaum harus sedar bahawa tunjang kestabilan negara ini ada di tangan orang Melayu.

Jika orang Melayu sendiri sudah berpecah kepada kumpulan-kumpulan yang memihak kepada parti politik tertentu dan yang tidak peduli apa pun yang berlaku, kestabilan negara boleh goyah.

Kesan perpecahan itu dapat kita lihat dan rasai sekarang.

Di samping itu, kaum bukan Melayu tidak sepatutnya mengambil kesempatan. Akibat perpaduan kaum tidak dijaga dan dipertahankan, ia turut menjejaskan kegiatan ekonomi dan hubungan masyarakat.

Para pemimpin yang mewakili masyarakat berbilang kaum patut menghentikan salah menyalah antara satu sama lain.

Sesungguhnya kedudukan orang Melayu dalam negara ini harus dihormati sebagaimana mereka banyak bertolak ansur dengan bukan Melayu.

Ambillah iktibar kekecohan politik negara Thai. Banyak kerugian ditanggung oleh kerajaan. Malah majoriti rakyatnya tidak menyokong tindakan yang merosakkan imej negara mereka.

Kita hanya ingin memperingatkan bahawa tindak-tanduk perpecahan di kalangan masyarakat majmuk sedang menjadi tontonan negara lain. Mereka sedang mengintai peluang untuk campur tangan jika kita terus lalai dan tidak bersatu.

Oleh itu, semua pemimpin politik dan masyarakat perlu membuat memikirkan masa depan anak cucu kita.

Bersatulah pertahankan perpaduan kaum yang telah kita bina lebih 52 tahun lalu. Jangan diulangi kesilapan lampau hingga kita dijajah lebih 400 tahun lamanya.

Segala kemajuan yang kita kecapi hari ini adalah atas dasar kerjasama dan perkongsian kuasa melalui kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Relakah kita melihat segala impian yang dibina hancur berkecai akibat perpecahan antara kaum.

Dalam konteks ini, tanamkan semula semangat perpaduan dengan didahulukan oleh parti-parti politik.

Translation? I am not going to waste my time translating this shit.

Basically, this hired mouthpiece of UMNO, party of our Prime Minister, who incidentally coined up the “1Malaysia” slogan, is telling us this :-

*Princes of Earth -ledge your souls to UMNO, to ensure peace and prosperity, ehem… of course prosperity is subjected to certain individuals only.

*Others – SHADDUP!! and obey. Wag your tail. Eat shit or whatever. Just RESPECT the princes becuse we’ve tolerated you for far too long.

*Progress and stability of the nation – exclusively for BN, one and only.

And because we’ve yet to hear even a whimper from our glorious PM and his bunch of yo-yos on this piece of crap, it’s a silent endorsement of sorts, on their intepretation of what Najib’s “1Malaysia” is all about, isn’t it?

Now aren’t we just about the luckiest bunch on this side of Mother Earth to have a great “People First” cabinet working for our well-being? Ah, we are so blessed! One thing I must give it up to BN, it is good at sloganeering. Damn freaking good! Not going to post it here, save you from puking. What? When Samyvellu came up with the ‘Rejuvenation’ campaign for MIC with him at the lead, you can tell these slogans are pretty much, rubbish!


Posted in Current Affairs, government, hypocrite, Mainstream Media, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Politicians, politics | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments »