The Dandelions

.. the mutual admiration and bashing society.

Archive for April, 2009

All We Need Is Music!!!!!!!

Posted by barbie on April 27, 2009

I’m not sure whether it’s in our water or food, but our recent new leaders seem to have a fondness for spouting popular-sounding slogans and catchy phrases…..and they seem to think Malaysians are still quite so gullible to swallow every slogan, hook, line and sinker……..

And it seems their team of so-called PR experts have come up with some hare-brained idea on how to actually and finally make those catchy sounding slogans work and accepted.

Know why Badawi’s Islam Hadhari died such a horrible and pathetic death?

And why Najib’s “1Malaysia” will “potentially” be successful? *ahem ahem*

Well, other than the fact that it seems pretty obvious that Najib’s team is working overtime with many recent popular moves (such as the child conversion and 30% bumi equity) to ensure his concept doesn’t die in the same embarrassing manner as Badawi (regardless of how superficial the efforts seem), it seems that they’ve finally found the “secret ingredient”……….*drum roll*

Contest for 1Malaysia song

KUALA KLAWANG, 27 April 2009: The Information, Communication and Culture Ministry will launch a contest to identify the best composer for the 1Malaysia song.

Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said just like other songs that inculcate patriotism in their composition, especially songs like Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita and those that promote reading, the ministry also wanted the 1Malaysia song lyrics to attract listeners.

“God willing, I hope we can get a good response from composers and we hope to pick the best composition,” he told reporters after attending a dinner hosted by Kelab Rekreasi Warga Tua, Kuala Klawang here last night.

Dr Rais who is also Jelebu Member of Parliament said the song would represent all races.

The 1Malaysia song, to be in composed in Bahasa Malaysia, would be widely aired on all TV and radio stations according to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s wishes.



Badawi must be slapping his forehead really hard 😛

Perhaps that is why our Malaysian National Service is so “well received” despite so many unneccesary deaths? Check out the “inspiring” music video that has gotten all our youths excited over National Service once again…….

Posted in Current Affairs, government, Malaysia, Meaningless | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 7 Comments »

Cabinet’s decision on conversion: – Syariah Lawyers & Zulkifli Nordin dissents

Posted by Oscar the Grouch on April 26, 2009

The Star’s columnist, Baradan Kuppusamy, was correct to say that even the most stringent of government critics – anonymous commentators on political blogs – have praised the decision by the Cabinet relating to the conversion controversy among spouses and their children.

However, as Mr. Kuppusamy points out, we will be waiting for this policy to be “… translated into legal effect for a just and lasting solution to this long-standing dilemma.

In a turn of surprising events, we have the Malaysian Syariah Lawyers Association (PGSM) criticizing the Cabinet’s pronouncement. The PGSM views the decision as interference of legislative matters and threatens the freedom of the courts. PGSM’s deputy president, Musa Awang was quoted as saying that the courts must be free from interference from any party including the Government.

I would have to disagree. In order for the decision to be effected, the Government / Cabinet would have to introduce the new bill to Parliament. As long as the proposed bill on conversion is passed by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the Agung, it becomes law.

Once the new law on conversion is in place, the courts would have to apply it. The courts are bound to decide on cases pursuant to the laws passed by Parliament.

In that sense, I cannot see how the Cabinet’s decision as an interference of legislative matters and as threatening the freedom of the courts. Members of the Cabinet, who are also members of parliament sitting in the legislative institution, are empowered with legislative powers. The courts do not have legislative powers – they do not make law – they merely apply the law.

The PGSM appears to be getting everything muddled up. At the moment, it is merely a decision announced by the Cabinet. It is not yet law. Nor is the Cabinet instructing the courts. Until the new law comes about, the courts can still independently decide on existing laws.

Another person who appears a tad bit confused is PKR renegade, Zulkifli Nordin. He says the decision contradicts the Federal Constitution and the Federal Court decisions. He says that the issue has been addressed clearly by the Federal Court in the Subashini’s case, where the court stated that the issue is bound by Article 12 (4) of the Federal Constitution. (Art 12 (4) states that the religion of a person under 18 years shall be decided by his parents).

Well, Zulkifli Nordin is correct. The Federal Court had decided the case based on the existing laws at that time. But that does not mean the laws cannot be changed. Mr. Zulkifli appears to imply that laws cannot be changed. Well, there are good laws, and there are bad laws. If a law is bad, or produces unjust result, perhaps it is time for a change. Amend the Federal Constitution if need be. It is not as if our constitution has never been changed.

What is the problem then for Zulkifli Nordin and PGSM? The change will not operate retrospectively. Past decisions will not be affected. Why should a proposal to change a bad law be construed as interference to the courts? Zulkifli Nordin, as a member of parliament for Kulim, is free to veto against the bill when it is introduced at the Dewan Rakyat.

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1 Malaysia: Unity in Diversity; as opposed to Unity in Uniformity

Posted by Oscar the Grouch on April 19, 2009

Whilst Mahathir has his Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah concept, Pak Lah with his Work With Me, Not For Me; Najib has since conceptualised his 1 Malaysia model- a yet to be fully-explained slogan backing his governmental administration.

In his website – aptly called – Najib indicates that there will be 8 Values of the 1 Malaysia. So far, he has unveiled 4 of the values: – Culture of Excellence, Perseverance, Humility and Acceptance. And thus far, he has riddled us with more convoluting and meandering explanations that are, quite frankly, unfathomable.

First of all – let us understand – the 1 Malaysia is a concept. It is simply a slogan. To put it even more plainly, it is a motto – a meaningless axiomatic dictum of words that carries no weight of law.

Secondly – and as many would want to believe – it is not about One Malaysian, where all Malaysians stands as one in equality. A concept of equality of such a nature would go against the spirit of the Federal Constitution – namely Article 153 – which safeguards the special position of the Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak. It would also go against the New Economic Policy.

Hence, if the 1 Malaysia is not about equality of races, then what is it about?

Professor Datuk Dr Shamsul Amri Baharuddin, from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Institute of Ethnic Studies, drew an uneasy distinction with the concept of “Malaysian Malaysia”, promulgated by the PAP of Singapore, and later the DAP.

The Malaysian Malaysia – he says – is an ideology that espouses all ethnic group having equal rights with none having special rights. The 1 Malaysia, Prof Shamsul explains – rhetorically in florid scholastic terms – as a national unity process not in the manner of “unity in uniformity” but “unity in diversity“. This in plain simple English means something out of nothing.

Najib himself, so far with his 4 Values, does not breach on the subject of equality. He talks firstly on a Culture of Excellence- it is basically the abstract issue of work and performance. In Part 2, he talks on Perseverance- in which he preaches some sort of self-help maxims on how life is never easy. In Part 3, he pleads on the trait of Humility.

It is finally, in Part 4 which he threads on issues of more substance: – Acceptance. It is here that Najib tries to surreptitiously and perhaps covertly take on the topic of equality, by pointing out the difference between “tolerance” and “acceptance”. On the former, he explains that “… when you say you tolerate, you don’t quite like it, but you accept it because you have no choice.” This is as opposed to “acceptance”, where he argues “… if you talk in terms of acceptance, it indicates a state of mind that you are embracing something positively.”

So Najib is asking us to accept not to tolerate all the farcical nonsense, but to embrace it with a smile?

It is really all too philosophical for me to swallow. What exactly are all these Values? These are all not politics. It is some sort of Swami Beyondananda mantras – “excellence”, “perseverance”, humility” and “acceptance”. Pick up any cheap self-help book from MPH and you can find the same crap. In fact, why not just get a free copy from the Buddhist temple.

I wait, with abated breath, on the next 4 Values.

Posted in English, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Oscar the Grouch, Politicians, politics | Tagged: , , , , | 10 Comments »

“1Malaysia” – Malaysia Under 1…….

Posted by barbie on April 17, 2009

Rais Yatim, the expert somersaulter is making the headlines again. We can never get enough stale, puke inducing statements from Umno ministers, even from the so called the ‘educated’ bunch. This bugger has a Phd I tell you, and his doctorate paper was titled – “Freedom under Executive Power in Malaysia: A Study of Executive Supremacy” which he dedicated to “all who have suffered from the tyranny of executive excesses.”

It mind boggling (actually, not really.. lah! just being polite here) that a person with such background and credentials would turn into a poppycock offering ridiculous opinions like “losing Pedre Brance aka Pulau Batu Putih to Singapore is a win-win situation”. Well, we can’t expect much from an intellectual whore, right? Oopss.. by calling Rais an intellectual whore, am I breaking any law here? *chuckles*

(Bernama) – The government is not looking to find fault with bloggers and other internet users but would like them to follow the law to ensure they did not misuse it.

Oh sure man! As long as we write like any of your MSM dogs, everything will be peachy. How about telling them to follow the law as well? Cannot lah double standards, and why singled out ‘bloggers and internet users?’

Minister of Information, Communication and Culture Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the ministry played an important role in establishing only the right kind of information reached the masses.

Rais Yatim….OOPS!!….I mean “Living Dinosaur”….. 😛

“It is not that we are looking for faults all the time. But we would like the right of the people to be guarded by the relevant authorities and the law. “Our aim is to see the 1Malaysia concept succeed.

However, in order to succeed, the facts must not be twisted or misinterpreted by some until it raises racial sentiments.

Twisted or misinterpreted, u say??? How about misquoted? You think people are dumb like you? My foot twisted and misinterpreted. I bet people misintepreted you when you said “Bok House is not a heritage building“, when you actually wanted to say it is??? What?? Come on lah, we are not so smart like you to decipher what are you trying to say, stop confusing stupid people like us.

“If the right information does not reach the people how can there be success?

Hey Mr. Living-Dinosaur-Minister, please elaborate what is the RIGHT information?

What is NOT raising racial sentiments!!???


Jangan membuat permintaan yang bukan-bukan – Utusan Malaysia

Pemimpin politik dan badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) Melayu kelmarin menyeru orang Melayu bangkit bersatu bagi menghadapi tuntutan kaum lain yang semakin keterlaluan.

Kita menyeru kepada bukan Melayu supaya jangan lagi membangkitkan dan mencabar ketuanan Melayu yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi, kedaulatan raja-raja Melayu dan hak istimewa orang Melayu.

Dalam menjaga keharmonian dan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat majmuk, elok rasanya kita jangan mengungkit dan membuat permintaan yang bukan-bukan.

Terimalah apa yang telah diberikan.

Mengapa masa kini perpaduan kaum dilihat kian longgar.

Jika kita kembali merenung lima tahun lalu, suasana perpaduan kaum kita dicemburui oleh negara-negara lain.

Tetapi kenapa sejak pilihan raya umum 2008, suasana tiba-tiba berubah.

Dengan pelantikan Perdana Menteri baru yang membawa bersamanya gagasan Satu Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Prestasi Diutamakan, inilah masa untuk semua kaum bersatu membina negara kita mengharungi cabaran yang mendatang.

Alangkah baiknya jika kita ketepikan sengketa dan perbalahan atas nama politik.

Semua kaum harus sedar bahawa tunjang kestabilan negara ini ada di tangan orang Melayu.

Jika orang Melayu sendiri sudah berpecah kepada kumpulan-kumpulan yang memihak kepada parti politik tertentu dan yang tidak peduli apa pun yang berlaku, kestabilan negara boleh goyah.

Kesan perpecahan itu dapat kita lihat dan rasai sekarang.

Di samping itu, kaum bukan Melayu tidak sepatutnya mengambil kesempatan. Akibat perpaduan kaum tidak dijaga dan dipertahankan, ia turut menjejaskan kegiatan ekonomi dan hubungan masyarakat.

Para pemimpin yang mewakili masyarakat berbilang kaum patut menghentikan salah menyalah antara satu sama lain.

Sesungguhnya kedudukan orang Melayu dalam negara ini harus dihormati sebagaimana mereka banyak bertolak ansur dengan bukan Melayu.

Ambillah iktibar kekecohan politik negara Thai. Banyak kerugian ditanggung oleh kerajaan. Malah majoriti rakyatnya tidak menyokong tindakan yang merosakkan imej negara mereka.

Kita hanya ingin memperingatkan bahawa tindak-tanduk perpecahan di kalangan masyarakat majmuk sedang menjadi tontonan negara lain. Mereka sedang mengintai peluang untuk campur tangan jika kita terus lalai dan tidak bersatu.

Oleh itu, semua pemimpin politik dan masyarakat perlu membuat memikirkan masa depan anak cucu kita.

Bersatulah pertahankan perpaduan kaum yang telah kita bina lebih 52 tahun lalu. Jangan diulangi kesilapan lampau hingga kita dijajah lebih 400 tahun lamanya.

Segala kemajuan yang kita kecapi hari ini adalah atas dasar kerjasama dan perkongsian kuasa melalui kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Relakah kita melihat segala impian yang dibina hancur berkecai akibat perpecahan antara kaum.

Dalam konteks ini, tanamkan semula semangat perpaduan dengan didahulukan oleh parti-parti politik.

Translation? I am not going to waste my time translating this shit.

Basically, this hired mouthpiece of UMNO, party of our Prime Minister, who incidentally coined up the “1Malaysia” slogan, is telling us this :-

*Princes of Earth -ledge your souls to UMNO, to ensure peace and prosperity, ehem… of course prosperity is subjected to certain individuals only.

*Others – SHADDUP!! and obey. Wag your tail. Eat shit or whatever. Just RESPECT the princes becuse we’ve tolerated you for far too long.

*Progress and stability of the nation – exclusively for BN, one and only.

And because we’ve yet to hear even a whimper from our glorious PM and his bunch of yo-yos on this piece of crap, it’s a silent endorsement of sorts, on their intepretation of what Najib’s “1Malaysia” is all about, isn’t it?

Now aren’t we just about the luckiest bunch on this side of Mother Earth to have a great “People First” cabinet working for our well-being? Ah, we are so blessed! One thing I must give it up to BN, it is good at sloganeering. Damn freaking good! Not going to post it here, save you from puking. What? When Samyvellu came up with the ‘Rejuvenation’ campaign for MIC with him at the lead, you can tell these slogans are pretty much, rubbish!


Posted in Current Affairs, government, hypocrite, Mainstream Media, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Politicians, politics | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments »

“Hunger makes a thief of any man” – Pearl S. Buck

Posted by barbie on April 16, 2009

Canteen helper sells her body to support family

A WOMAN who works as a canteen helper in the morning works as a prostitute at night to support her family, China Press reported.

The lady, who wished to be known only as Fatimah, 22, said she had to support her husband, who is an odd-job worker, and their one-year-old son.

“Besides that, I will have to foot my old folks’ medical bills,” she said, adding that she had been prostituting herself for more than three years in Alor Setar.

Fatimah, from Pahang, said she was forced to be a prostitute by her former boyfriend, and charged her customers RM80 each time.

“However, I am getting older and also have given birth. Now, I can only charge RM50,” she said, adding that her customers were aged between 13 and 70.

The daily reported that Fatimah’s dream was to save enough money to start a new life in three years’ time.

A good friend once mentioned about a lady she knew as a child, who was a neighbour. The poor woman was left to fend for herself and her 4 children after her husband got caught stealing milk powder for the kids and was sent to prison for a good number of years.

Being a housewife with no employable skills, she had no choice but to turn to prostitution to put food on the table and roof over their heads.

When her husband was released, instead of understanding and appreciating her sacrifice, he left her. She was also ostracised by everyone in the neighbourhood.

I may not know anyone personally who has been in that situation, but I can truly understand why those mothers did what they had to do. My mother would have done the same, in fact I would have sold off my kidneys for the same reason if I had to.  Please allow me to exaggerate and generalise to a certain extent that, if a comparison must be made,  I would say most parents love their children more than the latter love their parents.

Parental love is not something that can be described in words and it goes without saying that a mother’s love is instinctual, unconditional, and forever.

Young mothers especially, either retrenched or abandoned, are resorting to committing crime for their children’s sake.  How many of you realise that there’s been quite an increase of reports about mothers being sent to prison for stealing for their young?

What on earth is happening to this society? And what will become of the next generation, raised in an environment where only desperation, poverty and lawlessness prevails?

“The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other.  It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich.  Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied…but written off as trash.  The twentieth-century consumer economy has produced the first culture for which a beggar is a reminder of nothing. “- John Berger

Since I can remember, all our past and present government leaders have been singing the same old tiresome tune about championing the poor and eradicating poverty and improving the social welfare services…….

And till today, we still see the same snail-pace processing of genuine cases. Till today, we still see these so-called heads of various governmental welfare departments (who are usually so well fed that they’re practically dripping with fat) dragging their feet in disbursing measly sum of welfare aid to the poor.

Ella Mae totally hit the nail on the spot when she said this…..

“That’s how our society is. We are ever so willing to raise funds for disasters thousands of miles away but when our own neighbour is in need… we don’t do anything.

This is what i believe, each one of us can make a difference in this world. We must look out for our neighbours, friends and loved ones.

I am not saying we give away big sums of money, but if we can share our food with those who are in need… we too can make some difference in this nasty world.”

Posted in life, Malaysia, Opinions | Tagged: , , , , , | 13 Comments »

Thank You PM For Your Excellent Cabinet……..

Posted by ErnieJean on April 10, 2009

KUDOS to our new PM for such an EXCELLENT line up of cabinet ministers!!!!

20% new (yet-to-be-soiled) faces while retaining most of the old dogs guards will surely assure the rakyat of Najib’s pledge to get this country back on track………what more with the Kerisman keeping an eye on Home Affairs……..
Of course it doesn’t matter whether they have the brains or experience for it………just as long as the “Grand Ole Man” says so.
And everyone loves the wise old man, right? I mean, for goodness’ sake, he gave us “Mahathirism” which means Progress!!! No?
And anyway, with Gerakan’s much much feared and respected Dr. Koh Tsu Koon helming the Ministry in charge of implementing the KPIs, you can bet the entire government machinery (including those UMNO chaps from Penang??) will be whipped into efficiency like no other in no time, perhaps even surpassing Pakatan Rakyat’s impressive governance……..
Unity And Performance??????

Unity And Performance??????

And what about the much trumpeted assurance of trimming Badawi’s former bloated cabinet?

    • Badawi’s Cabinet : 32 ministers, 38 deputy ministers
    • Hansum Najib’s Cabinet : 28 ministers, 40 deputy ministers

WOOHOO!!!!!! An overall trimming of 2!!!!!


Read my arse people.....It's 2 down!!!

That would save us taxpayers a damn lot of money!!! Unless of course, they decide on a pay raise or practise the concept of “Less People, More Share”…………then we’re back to square one.

Can’t wait for the next general election folks…..MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Posted in BN, Current Affairs, erniejean, government, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , | 8 Comments »

Botox vs Good Manners……

Posted by ErnieJean on April 6, 2009

One of the basic manners that I’ve been taught since the begining of time, was to make sure I look at a person when he/she is talking to me, to maintain eye contact and a pleasant smile………

Obviously someone thinks so highly of herself now that all protocoal concerning respecting the royalty no longer applies to “Her-Royal-Doughness”.

Someone clearly believes she’s the 1st Lady, doesn’t she??

Most people would call this sort of behavious “BIADAP”, but let’ve give the lady the benefit of the doubt……..

Perhaps, her doctor injected too much botox into her neck, and hence mobility of the neck muscles have been acutely limited…….

Posted in erniejean, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Observations, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , , | 15 Comments »

Release of the ISA Detainees: – Morally Correct, Technically Flawed

Posted by Oscar the Grouch on April 5, 2009

The release of the 13 ISA detainees – portentously announced by newly elected Prime Minister Najib Razak – is a welcome decision. This, together with the governmental pledge for a comprehensive review of the Internal Security Act 1960, would hopefully mark the style-to-come for Najib’s new administration.

However, although the decision is generally saluted and rejoiced by all, Najib has set – as one of his first administrative directive – a ruling that is technically unsound, unjustified and irrationalized.

What is the justification for Najib to release the ISA detainees in the first place? After all, these detainees – according to the Home Minister, Syed Hamid Albar – were detained to prevent them from acting in a manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia.

It is pertinent to re-visit the relevant provision of the ISA: –

“Section 8 ISA – Ministerial Order of Detention

(1) If the Minister is satisfied that the detention of any person is necessary with a view to preventing him from acting in any manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to the maintenance of essential services therein or the economic life thereof, he may make an order (hereinafter referred to as “a detention order”) directing that that person be detained for any period not exceeding two years. “

If the detention of these detainees were by reason that they were all a threat to the security of the country, then wouldn’t it be wrong to free them without any sound and reasonable justification. Can a captive group of individuals be deemed a threat to society one day; and be deemed “reformed” the next day?


And – pleasing as the decision may be – Najib has no business announcing the release of detainees on his day of investiture. It gives the unpleasant scoff that the new PM is ordaining some sort of pardon for political prisoners. Perhaps he envisages himself as a monarchist-of-sorts, clout by the power of pardon – which incidentally, is only legally availed to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong under Article 42 of the Federal Constitution.

I do not know when it was actually concluded that the 13 detainees are no longer a threat to society but I do hope it was not a decision reached earlier. If the detainees are deemed no longer a threat, they should be released IMMEDIATELY, not a day longer. Not wait till Najib’s appointment ceremony for him to gain political clout and mileage, as if some sort of symbolic releasing of pigeons from the cage.

That is what is so wrong with the ISA in the first place – it is used as a tool by the Government. Caught one day – released the other – without the opportunity of a fair trial. All of which decided by the same person of bodies – acting as judge, jury and executioner.

My take on the whole issue is this: –

1. The ISA is a draconian piece of legislation which should be repealed. In fact, any law that tacitly allows detention without trial should be removed forthright;

2. If the use of the ISA is allowed to continue, please, for God’s sake, do not misuse the Act for one’s own benefit. The ISA was put in place for fight against the communist in the 60s. It is not intended to be utilized against political opposition;

3. The use of the ISA involves a person’s freedom and liberty. Use it wisely and sparingly. If in doubt, don’t. And if someone should or ought to be set free, do so immediately. Don’t wait for a day of inauguration; or before the elections; or the King’s birthday; or National Day etc … to order release of detainees.

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God Help Us All……………….

Posted by ErnieJean on April 3, 2009

Friday, 3rd April 2009……….The day I will always remember as feeling totally helpless, disheartened and depressed……..


Because, on one hand, the leader of the opposition political pact has been forced to prove his innocence instead of his prosecutors proving otherwise, while on the other hand, the leader of a rempit-style racist political party gets all the allegations swept under the heavy carpets of Putrajaya, no matter how strong the evidences seem to be, without having to break any sweat to prove his innocence, besides that “Quran-Swearing” incident, of course.

Because, despite, all the petitions and clear signs pointing to the “unsuitability(until proven otherwise) of the said Quran-Swearing-politician to lead a multi-cultural nation, he’s been sworn in anyway.

Has there ever been anywhere else in history of a proudly proclaimed democratic country where the nation (helplessly) witnessed the swearing in of a character whose reputation has been so sullied by corruption and criminal allegations, that this much-tainted scandal-ridden leader of his equally scandal-ridden political party has been on the receiving end of much attention (OF THE WRONG KIND, if I may add) from the international media community.

najibClamping down on all voices that were deemed too “distracting” at the same time certainly is NOT going to “white-wash” the reputation of, perhaps, the most corrupted top “larded” couple the nation has ever seen……….

Below are just a few of the links of UMNO Malaysia’s 6th Crime Prime Minister in the eyes of the international community :-,4670,ASMalaysiaPolitics,00.html (Gasp!! Even a celebrity gossip blog has featured the new PM’s scandals… proud can one be!!!)

And to top it all, what gift is more befitting of such a great occasion than to have our country listed amongst the 4 countries BLACKLISTED by G20 nations for being tax-havens to CORRUPTED OFFICIALS…………..

G-20 leaders blacklist Malaysia as one of 4 tax havens

LONDON: Four nations were blacklisted as uncooperative tax havens after G-20 leaders declared the age of banking secrecy was over and said they would no longer tolerate shady havens draining away badly needed tax revenue.

At the request of the Group of 20 summit of rich and developing nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development named the Philippines, Uruguay, Costa Rica and the Malaysian territory of Labuan as the worst offenders, saying they had refused to adopt new rules on financial openness.

Leaders also said Thursday that nations that refuse to exchange tax information could in the future face tough sanctions – including the withdrawal of financing by the World Bank or International Monetary Fund.

“The time of banking secrecy has passed,” French President Nicholas Sarkozy said following the summit. “Everyone around the table wants an end to tax havens. Everyone knows we need sanctions.”

The announcement reflects mounting concern that banking secrecy in tax havens has helped to worsen the economic crisis by disguising the true value of some global assets.

Anti-poverty activists say such places provide corrupt officials places to stash illicit funds, often depriving poor nations of needed resources. (Sounds too close for comfort, isn’t it? Need we elaborate????)

The OECD has divided countries into three categories: those who comply with rules on sharing tax information, those who say they will but have yet to act and nations which have not yet agreed to change banking secrecy practices.

Switzerland and Liechtenstein, which both have strong banking secrecy traditions, said last month they would adopt international rules on tax cooperation and were ready to comply with G-20 demands.

Liechtenstein, Switzerland’s tiny Alpine neighbor, said it has already met with British officials to prepare for the new standards. Monaco said earlier that it would be more transparent with foreign tax authorities.

In return they were spared the fate of being blacklisted but were left in a gray area of countries that still have to implement their commitment to accept new information-exchange standards. China supported the blacklisting, but would not agree to have two territories, Hong Kong and Macau, classified as uncooperative tax havens.

Potential sanctions for transgressors include extra audits of those who use tax havens and curbs on tax deductions claimed by businesses using the territories.

In their communique, leaders said they may consider further penalties in their bilateral relations with tax haven territories. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Brown and President Barack Obama played a key role in pushing for a crackdown on tax havens.

At least 35 offshore tax havens, from Britain’s Channel Islands to the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean, are under increasing pressure to provide more information to international authorities to prevent people from evading taxes or hiding income by shifting money to such places.

Stephen Timms, financial secretary to the British Treasury, said a culture of banking secrecy had worsened global economic problems.

“That lack of transparency – that opaqueness – has contributed to the severity of the problems we are seeing in the world economy at the moment,” he said. – AP

The Star, April 3, 2009

Well, what can I say….except… least we made it onto the top of a list of sorts, regardless of what it is all about, and Singapore didn’t????


Posted in blogosphere, Current Affairs, erniejean, Famous for Wrong Reason, government, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments »