The Dandelions

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Archive for the ‘Najib Tun Razak’ Category

They don’t really care about us!!

Posted by ella-mae on August 8, 2009

Posted in Anwar Ibrahim, Bangsa Malaysia, BN, Crime, Current Affairs, Dandelions, ella-mae, government, Human Rights, Ideology, Mainstream Media, Malaysia, malaysiakini, malaysian, MIC, Music, Najib Tun Razak, News, Observation, Observations, PAS, People, PKR, Politicians, politics, Racism, Raja Petra Kamarudin, Samyvellu, the dandelions, UMNO | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments »

Say no to Chin Peng the ‘former terrorist’, say yes to Communist China!

Posted by barbie on June 9, 2009

I applaud the decision by the Malaysian government to dismiss and not entertain any idea of allowing Chin Peng the ‘former terrorist’ to return to this country.

Government Will Not Allow Chin Peng To Return, Says Najib

PUTRAJAYA, May 27 (Bernama) — The Malaysian government will not allow former Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) leader Chin Peng to reside in the country.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the return of the former terrorist would lead to dissatisfaction among the people, especially those who fought the communists and families who lost their loved ones during the CPM’s revolt from 1948 to 1981 (known as the Emergency).

(Source: Bernama)

The government is absolutely right, many victims suffered during the communist insurgency, Chin Peng and his commandos killed many people in the past and they certainly do not deserve any consideration from us. No, I didn’t say that. Our very wise, informed and cultured Datuk Datuk Seri Utama Dr. Rais bin Yatim said that.

Several quarters and individuals, including Information, Communication and Culture Minister Dr Rais Yatim, have opposed the idea.

“Chin Peng and his commandos killed many people in the past and they certainly do not deserve any consideration from us,” Rais had said.

The communists abused this country and we had been shackled through killings and terrible actions committed by them,” he added.

(Source: 1Malaysia)

We should never allow Chin Peng to come back to Malaysia. Thanks to our sensitive Defence Minister Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for putting it in context.

Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had said his return would be an insult to the families of nearly 50,000 British colonial and government troops who died during the “Malayan Emergency”. (psst, the 50,000 figure is a crap is you ask me)

But I have some disturbing questions.

1. Isn’t Chin Peng was just a puppet for the Chinese Communist Party? His party, Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) was supported by its China main counterpart throughout their four decades in Malaysia. My question is, why punish the puppet, but not the master? Obviously we should punish China!

Let’s severe our all our diplomatic and bilateral ties with China to show our sensitive considerations to the suffering families that went through killings and terrible actions committed by the communists. Let’s show them Malaysia is serious about its past history, goddammit!

2. If I am not mistaken, China is ruled by Communist Party of China (CPC). So, let me get this right, China is ruled by a bunch of communists and why the hell we are courting them now? What happened to ‘the communist abused this country’ and ‘they certainly do not deserve any consideration from us?

What is our beloved Prime Minister doing frolicking in China then? Is he not worry that his visit would lead to dissatisfaction among the people, especially those who fought the communists and families who lost their loved ones?

I repeat, let’s severe our all our diplomatic and bilateral ties with China to show our sensitive considerations to the suffering families that went through killings and terrible actions committed by the communists. Let’s show them Malaysia is serious about its past history, goddammit

3. If I remember correctly, the British and Japanese  also killed a lot of people during their occupation of Malaya no? The British sure killed and injured a lot of people back then.  Remember the fights by Tok Janggut, Dato’ Bahaman, Mat Kilau, Maharaja Lela? I bet my last cent the British killed more people here during their occupation compared to the emergency period.

How about the war crimes and astrocities the Japanese commited against the people of Malaya during World War II? Wait, did the communists kill less people than them?

Let’s severe all our diplomatic and bilateral ties with Japan and British (now Great Britain) to show our sensitive considerations to the suffering families that went through killings and terrible actions committed by the Japanese. Let’s show them Malaysia is serious about its past history, goddammit!

Well, I do not agree and I don’t really care if Chin Peng was a freedom fighter, but that’s beside the point. Just how much longer we want to live in the shadows of the past? May 13th, Malaya Emergency etc. often quoted by our leaders to ‘remind’ us, about what? You should know better. Selective issues, don’t you think? Why it is only Chin Peng not allowed to come back to Malaysia? How about other CPM leaders?

Conclusion: Only in Malaysia, it would seem like history has to dictate how we we live tomorrow. Rather sad.

ps: I am sure Chin Peng was not a freedom fighter. He’s taking arms for fun, just like how I shoot people for fun at my Counter Strike game. Okay, Let 4 Dead lah, nobody play CS now. Okay, bad joke.

pss: What is this ‘my father’, ‘my father’ and ‘my father’ crap keep repeated by Najib? He has no backbone to stand on his own? To claim his own credit, other that relying on his father’s name?

Posted in barbie, BN, communism, Current Affairs, government, hypocrite, Ideology, Mainstream Media, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Politicians, World | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments »

1 Malaysia: Unity in Diversity; as opposed to Unity in Uniformity

Posted by Oscar the Grouch on April 19, 2009

Whilst Mahathir has his Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah concept, Pak Lah with his Work With Me, Not For Me; Najib has since conceptualised his 1 Malaysia model- a yet to be fully-explained slogan backing his governmental administration.

In his website – aptly called – Najib indicates that there will be 8 Values of the 1 Malaysia. So far, he has unveiled 4 of the values: – Culture of Excellence, Perseverance, Humility and Acceptance. And thus far, he has riddled us with more convoluting and meandering explanations that are, quite frankly, unfathomable.

First of all – let us understand – the 1 Malaysia is a concept. It is simply a slogan. To put it even more plainly, it is a motto – a meaningless axiomatic dictum of words that carries no weight of law.

Secondly – and as many would want to believe – it is not about One Malaysian, where all Malaysians stands as one in equality. A concept of equality of such a nature would go against the spirit of the Federal Constitution – namely Article 153 – which safeguards the special position of the Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak. It would also go against the New Economic Policy.

Hence, if the 1 Malaysia is not about equality of races, then what is it about?

Professor Datuk Dr Shamsul Amri Baharuddin, from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Institute of Ethnic Studies, drew an uneasy distinction with the concept of “Malaysian Malaysia”, promulgated by the PAP of Singapore, and later the DAP.

The Malaysian Malaysia – he says – is an ideology that espouses all ethnic group having equal rights with none having special rights. The 1 Malaysia, Prof Shamsul explains – rhetorically in florid scholastic terms – as a national unity process not in the manner of “unity in uniformity” but “unity in diversity“. This in plain simple English means something out of nothing.

Najib himself, so far with his 4 Values, does not breach on the subject of equality. He talks firstly on a Culture of Excellence- it is basically the abstract issue of work and performance. In Part 2, he talks on Perseverance- in which he preaches some sort of self-help maxims on how life is never easy. In Part 3, he pleads on the trait of Humility.

It is finally, in Part 4 which he threads on issues of more substance: – Acceptance. It is here that Najib tries to surreptitiously and perhaps covertly take on the topic of equality, by pointing out the difference between “tolerance” and “acceptance”. On the former, he explains that “… when you say you tolerate, you don’t quite like it, but you accept it because you have no choice.” This is as opposed to “acceptance”, where he argues “… if you talk in terms of acceptance, it indicates a state of mind that you are embracing something positively.”

So Najib is asking us to accept not to tolerate all the farcical nonsense, but to embrace it with a smile?

It is really all too philosophical for me to swallow. What exactly are all these Values? These are all not politics. It is some sort of Swami Beyondananda mantras – “excellence”, “perseverance”, humility” and “acceptance”. Pick up any cheap self-help book from MPH and you can find the same crap. In fact, why not just get a free copy from the Buddhist temple.

I wait, with abated breath, on the next 4 Values.

Posted in English, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Oscar the Grouch, Politicians, politics | Tagged: , , , , | 10 Comments »

“1Malaysia” – Malaysia Under 1…….

Posted by barbie on April 17, 2009

Rais Yatim, the expert somersaulter is making the headlines again. We can never get enough stale, puke inducing statements from Umno ministers, even from the so called the ‘educated’ bunch. This bugger has a Phd I tell you, and his doctorate paper was titled – “Freedom under Executive Power in Malaysia: A Study of Executive Supremacy” which he dedicated to “all who have suffered from the tyranny of executive excesses.”

It mind boggling (actually, not really.. lah! just being polite here) that a person with such background and credentials would turn into a poppycock offering ridiculous opinions like “losing Pedre Brance aka Pulau Batu Putih to Singapore is a win-win situation”. Well, we can’t expect much from an intellectual whore, right? Oopss.. by calling Rais an intellectual whore, am I breaking any law here? *chuckles*

(Bernama) – The government is not looking to find fault with bloggers and other internet users but would like them to follow the law to ensure they did not misuse it.

Oh sure man! As long as we write like any of your MSM dogs, everything will be peachy. How about telling them to follow the law as well? Cannot lah double standards, and why singled out ‘bloggers and internet users?’

Minister of Information, Communication and Culture Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the ministry played an important role in establishing only the right kind of information reached the masses.

Rais Yatim….OOPS!!….I mean “Living Dinosaur”….. 😛

“It is not that we are looking for faults all the time. But we would like the right of the people to be guarded by the relevant authorities and the law. “Our aim is to see the 1Malaysia concept succeed.

However, in order to succeed, the facts must not be twisted or misinterpreted by some until it raises racial sentiments.

Twisted or misinterpreted, u say??? How about misquoted? You think people are dumb like you? My foot twisted and misinterpreted. I bet people misintepreted you when you said “Bok House is not a heritage building“, when you actually wanted to say it is??? What?? Come on lah, we are not so smart like you to decipher what are you trying to say, stop confusing stupid people like us.

“If the right information does not reach the people how can there be success?

Hey Mr. Living-Dinosaur-Minister, please elaborate what is the RIGHT information?

What is NOT raising racial sentiments!!???


Jangan membuat permintaan yang bukan-bukan – Utusan Malaysia

Pemimpin politik dan badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) Melayu kelmarin menyeru orang Melayu bangkit bersatu bagi menghadapi tuntutan kaum lain yang semakin keterlaluan.

Kita menyeru kepada bukan Melayu supaya jangan lagi membangkitkan dan mencabar ketuanan Melayu yang berkaitan dengan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi, kedaulatan raja-raja Melayu dan hak istimewa orang Melayu.

Dalam menjaga keharmonian dan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat majmuk, elok rasanya kita jangan mengungkit dan membuat permintaan yang bukan-bukan.

Terimalah apa yang telah diberikan.

Mengapa masa kini perpaduan kaum dilihat kian longgar.

Jika kita kembali merenung lima tahun lalu, suasana perpaduan kaum kita dicemburui oleh negara-negara lain.

Tetapi kenapa sejak pilihan raya umum 2008, suasana tiba-tiba berubah.

Dengan pelantikan Perdana Menteri baru yang membawa bersamanya gagasan Satu Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Prestasi Diutamakan, inilah masa untuk semua kaum bersatu membina negara kita mengharungi cabaran yang mendatang.

Alangkah baiknya jika kita ketepikan sengketa dan perbalahan atas nama politik.

Semua kaum harus sedar bahawa tunjang kestabilan negara ini ada di tangan orang Melayu.

Jika orang Melayu sendiri sudah berpecah kepada kumpulan-kumpulan yang memihak kepada parti politik tertentu dan yang tidak peduli apa pun yang berlaku, kestabilan negara boleh goyah.

Kesan perpecahan itu dapat kita lihat dan rasai sekarang.

Di samping itu, kaum bukan Melayu tidak sepatutnya mengambil kesempatan. Akibat perpaduan kaum tidak dijaga dan dipertahankan, ia turut menjejaskan kegiatan ekonomi dan hubungan masyarakat.

Para pemimpin yang mewakili masyarakat berbilang kaum patut menghentikan salah menyalah antara satu sama lain.

Sesungguhnya kedudukan orang Melayu dalam negara ini harus dihormati sebagaimana mereka banyak bertolak ansur dengan bukan Melayu.

Ambillah iktibar kekecohan politik negara Thai. Banyak kerugian ditanggung oleh kerajaan. Malah majoriti rakyatnya tidak menyokong tindakan yang merosakkan imej negara mereka.

Kita hanya ingin memperingatkan bahawa tindak-tanduk perpecahan di kalangan masyarakat majmuk sedang menjadi tontonan negara lain. Mereka sedang mengintai peluang untuk campur tangan jika kita terus lalai dan tidak bersatu.

Oleh itu, semua pemimpin politik dan masyarakat perlu membuat memikirkan masa depan anak cucu kita.

Bersatulah pertahankan perpaduan kaum yang telah kita bina lebih 52 tahun lalu. Jangan diulangi kesilapan lampau hingga kita dijajah lebih 400 tahun lamanya.

Segala kemajuan yang kita kecapi hari ini adalah atas dasar kerjasama dan perkongsian kuasa melalui kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Relakah kita melihat segala impian yang dibina hancur berkecai akibat perpecahan antara kaum.

Dalam konteks ini, tanamkan semula semangat perpaduan dengan didahulukan oleh parti-parti politik.

Translation? I am not going to waste my time translating this shit.

Basically, this hired mouthpiece of UMNO, party of our Prime Minister, who incidentally coined up the “1Malaysia” slogan, is telling us this :-

*Princes of Earth -ledge your souls to UMNO, to ensure peace and prosperity, ehem… of course prosperity is subjected to certain individuals only.

*Others – SHADDUP!! and obey. Wag your tail. Eat shit or whatever. Just RESPECT the princes becuse we’ve tolerated you for far too long.

*Progress and stability of the nation – exclusively for BN, one and only.

And because we’ve yet to hear even a whimper from our glorious PM and his bunch of yo-yos on this piece of crap, it’s a silent endorsement of sorts, on their intepretation of what Najib’s “1Malaysia” is all about, isn’t it?

Now aren’t we just about the luckiest bunch on this side of Mother Earth to have a great “People First” cabinet working for our well-being? Ah, we are so blessed! One thing I must give it up to BN, it is good at sloganeering. Damn freaking good! Not going to post it here, save you from puking. What? When Samyvellu came up with the ‘Rejuvenation’ campaign for MIC with him at the lead, you can tell these slogans are pretty much, rubbish!


Posted in Current Affairs, government, hypocrite, Mainstream Media, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Politicians, politics | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments »

Thank You PM For Your Excellent Cabinet……..

Posted by ErnieJean on April 10, 2009

KUDOS to our new PM for such an EXCELLENT line up of cabinet ministers!!!!

20% new (yet-to-be-soiled) faces while retaining most of the old dogs guards will surely assure the rakyat of Najib’s pledge to get this country back on track………what more with the Kerisman keeping an eye on Home Affairs……..
Of course it doesn’t matter whether they have the brains or experience for it………just as long as the “Grand Ole Man” says so.
And everyone loves the wise old man, right? I mean, for goodness’ sake, he gave us “Mahathirism” which means Progress!!! No?
And anyway, with Gerakan’s much much feared and respected Dr. Koh Tsu Koon helming the Ministry in charge of implementing the KPIs, you can bet the entire government machinery (including those UMNO chaps from Penang??) will be whipped into efficiency like no other in no time, perhaps even surpassing Pakatan Rakyat’s impressive governance……..
Unity And Performance??????

Unity And Performance??????

And what about the much trumpeted assurance of trimming Badawi’s former bloated cabinet?

    • Badawi’s Cabinet : 32 ministers, 38 deputy ministers
    • Hansum Najib’s Cabinet : 28 ministers, 40 deputy ministers

WOOHOO!!!!!! An overall trimming of 2!!!!!


Read my arse people.....It's 2 down!!!

That would save us taxpayers a damn lot of money!!! Unless of course, they decide on a pay raise or practise the concept of “Less People, More Share”…………then we’re back to square one.

Can’t wait for the next general election folks…..MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Posted in BN, Current Affairs, erniejean, government, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , | 8 Comments »

Botox vs Good Manners……

Posted by ErnieJean on April 6, 2009

One of the basic manners that I’ve been taught since the begining of time, was to make sure I look at a person when he/she is talking to me, to maintain eye contact and a pleasant smile………

Obviously someone thinks so highly of herself now that all protocoal concerning respecting the royalty no longer applies to “Her-Royal-Doughness”.

Someone clearly believes she’s the 1st Lady, doesn’t she??

Most people would call this sort of behavious “BIADAP”, but let’ve give the lady the benefit of the doubt……..

Perhaps, her doctor injected too much botox into her neck, and hence mobility of the neck muscles have been acutely limited…….

Posted in erniejean, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Observations, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , , | 15 Comments »

God Help Us All……………….

Posted by ErnieJean on April 3, 2009

Friday, 3rd April 2009……….The day I will always remember as feeling totally helpless, disheartened and depressed……..


Because, on one hand, the leader of the opposition political pact has been forced to prove his innocence instead of his prosecutors proving otherwise, while on the other hand, the leader of a rempit-style racist political party gets all the allegations swept under the heavy carpets of Putrajaya, no matter how strong the evidences seem to be, without having to break any sweat to prove his innocence, besides that “Quran-Swearing” incident, of course.

Because, despite, all the petitions and clear signs pointing to the “unsuitability(until proven otherwise) of the said Quran-Swearing-politician to lead a multi-cultural nation, he’s been sworn in anyway.

Has there ever been anywhere else in history of a proudly proclaimed democratic country where the nation (helplessly) witnessed the swearing in of a character whose reputation has been so sullied by corruption and criminal allegations, that this much-tainted scandal-ridden leader of his equally scandal-ridden political party has been on the receiving end of much attention (OF THE WRONG KIND, if I may add) from the international media community.

najibClamping down on all voices that were deemed too “distracting” at the same time certainly is NOT going to “white-wash” the reputation of, perhaps, the most corrupted top “larded” couple the nation has ever seen……….

Below are just a few of the links of UMNO Malaysia’s 6th Crime Prime Minister in the eyes of the international community :-,4670,ASMalaysiaPolitics,00.html (Gasp!! Even a celebrity gossip blog has featured the new PM’s scandals… proud can one be!!!)

And to top it all, what gift is more befitting of such a great occasion than to have our country listed amongst the 4 countries BLACKLISTED by G20 nations for being tax-havens to CORRUPTED OFFICIALS…………..

G-20 leaders blacklist Malaysia as one of 4 tax havens

LONDON: Four nations were blacklisted as uncooperative tax havens after G-20 leaders declared the age of banking secrecy was over and said they would no longer tolerate shady havens draining away badly needed tax revenue.

At the request of the Group of 20 summit of rich and developing nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development named the Philippines, Uruguay, Costa Rica and the Malaysian territory of Labuan as the worst offenders, saying they had refused to adopt new rules on financial openness.

Leaders also said Thursday that nations that refuse to exchange tax information could in the future face tough sanctions – including the withdrawal of financing by the World Bank or International Monetary Fund.

“The time of banking secrecy has passed,” French President Nicholas Sarkozy said following the summit. “Everyone around the table wants an end to tax havens. Everyone knows we need sanctions.”

The announcement reflects mounting concern that banking secrecy in tax havens has helped to worsen the economic crisis by disguising the true value of some global assets.

Anti-poverty activists say such places provide corrupt officials places to stash illicit funds, often depriving poor nations of needed resources. (Sounds too close for comfort, isn’t it? Need we elaborate????)

The OECD has divided countries into three categories: those who comply with rules on sharing tax information, those who say they will but have yet to act and nations which have not yet agreed to change banking secrecy practices.

Switzerland and Liechtenstein, which both have strong banking secrecy traditions, said last month they would adopt international rules on tax cooperation and were ready to comply with G-20 demands.

Liechtenstein, Switzerland’s tiny Alpine neighbor, said it has already met with British officials to prepare for the new standards. Monaco said earlier that it would be more transparent with foreign tax authorities.

In return they were spared the fate of being blacklisted but were left in a gray area of countries that still have to implement their commitment to accept new information-exchange standards. China supported the blacklisting, but would not agree to have two territories, Hong Kong and Macau, classified as uncooperative tax havens.

Potential sanctions for transgressors include extra audits of those who use tax havens and curbs on tax deductions claimed by businesses using the territories.

In their communique, leaders said they may consider further penalties in their bilateral relations with tax haven territories. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Brown and President Barack Obama played a key role in pushing for a crackdown on tax havens.

At least 35 offshore tax havens, from Britain’s Channel Islands to the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean, are under increasing pressure to provide more information to international authorities to prevent people from evading taxes or hiding income by shifting money to such places.

Stephen Timms, financial secretary to the British Treasury, said a culture of banking secrecy had worsened global economic problems.

“That lack of transparency – that opaqueness – has contributed to the severity of the problems we are seeing in the world economy at the moment,” he said. – AP

The Star, April 3, 2009

Well, what can I say….except… least we made it onto the top of a list of sorts, regardless of what it is all about, and Singapore didn’t????


Posted in blogosphere, Current Affairs, erniejean, Famous for Wrong Reason, government, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments »

Hello UMNOsia, Goodbye Malaysia????

Posted by ErnieJean on March 27, 2009

So, after all that talk about soul-searching and post mortem of the March ’08 Elections results, and finally having their long-postponed annual general assembly, did the UMNO delegates and their leaders finally walk the path of calls to REFORM and TRANSFORM?

Have they finally endeared themselves to all Malaysians??

Has UMNO changed for the better??

Will Pakatan Rakyat be shown the exit door next election??

What can we expect with these newly elected faces of UMNO leadership?

With such a “fantastic” mixture of ass-grabbing, crap-spouting, money-siphoning, Mongolian exploding and extremist inciting individuals, I can definitely forsee a BRIGHT BRIGHT future for this beloved nation of ours……….

Amongst some of the calls made during the speeches and debates, to loud cheers and applause, if I may add, from delegates, were;

“Those days, an application for a taxi permit would require the endorsement of an Umno branch or division chief. If the branches and divisions are strong, then Umno will be strong again,”

“……the party made a mistake in trying to curtail money politics as it showed that Umno leaders are not grateful to the members who have sacrificed for the party.”

“Please make sure the faculty members are all UMNO men, and the same goes for other civil servants,”

“…ensure only UMNO loyalists be appointed senior positions in public universities……” (I mourn for the death of decent education for our future generation….)

Sorry….me a little blur here…….but what happened to all that screaming and shrieking and shouting about defending Malays’ rights??

Or have they become so brazen that they no longer bother to even hide behind that excuse anymore??

Doesn’t it seem to you now that UMNO is promoting that ONLY UMNO men (and women) are allowed to prosper, to be appointed for top civil service positions, to leech onto GLCs, protest against royalty……….(This must be the all-new NEP that they have been talking about huh? Do away with 30% Bumi-quota……..and replaced with UMNO-quota perhaps????)

As for us Non-UMNO folks? (Well, it used to be non-Sons-Of-Soil…..but that category has obviously been altered) We’re the lower-class citizens, born on Malaysian soil to plough the earth…………… that the LOAFERS can continue loafing and LEECHES continue leeching…… 

Perhaps that is why Najib’s opening speech rang sooooo hollow for me…………


Posted in Bangsa Malaysia, erniejean, government, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Observations, Opinions, UMNO, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , | 2 Comments »

All Hail The “Unprecedented” Stimulation!!!!!

Posted by ErnieJean on March 11, 2009


So, it has finally happened……..after months of denying till their faces are blue, what the rest of us ordinary Malaysians have known since last year, our dear Finance-Minister-cum-Incoming-UMNO-Tai-Kor and his 2nd Finance Minister have admitted that they can no longer pull wool over our eyes about the inevitable recession…..

And then, just like that, they somehow waved a “magic wand” and lo and behold!!!! We have RM60 BILLION !!!!!???? Where on earth did the Finance Ministry dig those figures from!!!???

Mr. Rosmah, who is already smelling the fragrance of the nation’s PMship, called his “baby” “unprecedented in the nation’s history“…….Well, I totally agree with him. It’s “unprecedented” alright…….but IN WHAT SENSE!!!???

Remember when Najib unvieled his 1st Economic Stimulus Package of RM7 billion on November 4 and he issued this statement?

On November 4, I introduced a 7 billion ringgit ($1.93 billion) pro-growth stimulus package to implement projects with high multiplier effects, building on the previously announced 5 billion ringgit allocation of existing investment capital to ValueCap, Malaysia’s asset management company.

The stimulus package as a whole is designed to enhance domestic growth and improve market confidence. This package ensures that a larger segment of the population will realize the benefit of productive expenditure from the government.

We anticipate no additional expenditure in implementing these measures. The larger stimulus package is entirely funded by savings on subsidies as a result of falling global oil prices. ValueCap will enhance existing assets and multiply the benefit the Employees Provident Fund already provides Malaysian workers.

To address your suggestion that parts of the stimulus package might be inappropriately managed, all measures, including ValueCap, will be supervised by Malaysia’s Project Monitoring Unit. They will report directly to me, the Minister of Finance, and I will provide regular updates and, I suspect, receive candid assessment by an active political opposition, the public and the press. (Well, obviously this Malaysia’s Project Monitoring Unit is sleeping on the job!!!!)

Malaysia is no stranger to this sort of scrutiny. During the last crisis, our “unorthodox” stimulus initiatives were loudly criticized and largely condemned. The current crisis, however, has reinvigorated interest in and, apparently, the validity of those initiatives.

Malaysia is well positioned for the coming economic challenge. Our financial sector is in a much healthier position today than 10 years ago. The capital adequacy ratio of banks at 8% is much higher than the minimum international requirement. Non-performing loans of all banks are at an average of 2.5%. Financial institutions have ample capital liquidity. Foreign reserves are high at $100.2 billion. The current account surplus is 15% of GDP.

All I wanna know is what happened to that RM7 Billion announced to be injected to save our country from further despair? If the government agencies can’t even handle RM7 billion, how are they expected to handle EFFICIENTLY an amount that’s 10 times larger!!???

Maybe it’s too early to judge the success (or failure??) of this package……maybe we shuld give Najib and his team the benefit of the doubt and see where we end up after a couple of months…..and hopefully, Malaysia does not end up in the dog house by then…………

Let’s have a quick look at the following salient points in the mini-budget announced by Najib, courtesy of Malaysiakini

GDP growth is expected to be in the range of –1% to 1% for 2009. Without the two stimulus packages, the economy faces the prospect of a deep recession.

RM60 billion stimulus package – RM15 billion is fiscal injection, RM25 billion Guarantee Funds, RM10 billion equity investments, RM7 billion private finance initiative (PFI) and off-budget projects, as well as RM3 billion in tax incentives.

According to the government, the budget deficit, which shoots up from 4.8 percent to 7.6 percent in 2009, can be financed from domestic sources. It added that the financing of the deficit will not crowd out the private sector in sourcing funds. (Pray tell us in detail, what are the domestic sources??? Our EPF again!!!???)

60 billion budget stimulus the four aims breakdown 100309The RM60 billion is allocated to achieve four aims:

1. Reducing unemployment, increasing employment – RM2 billion

2. Easing the burden of the rakyat, especially vulnerable groups – RM10 billion

3. Assisting the private sector – RM29 billion

4. Building capacity for the future – RM19 billion

RM2 bil to reduce unemployment, increase employment

To create a total of 163,000 training and job placement opportunities in the public and private sectors

To establish 22 JobsMalaysia Centres and upgrade 109 existing centres to facilitate access for workers and employers to obtain job placements, career counselling and information on training opportunities

Employers who employ workers retrenched from July 1 2008 be given double tax deduction on the amount of remuneration paid. (What about the majority of us wage earners who got our salaries cut!!?? Why are the Employers the ones enjoying tax breaks whilst the employees have conveniently been side-stepped!!??)

Government to recruit 63,000 staff to fill vacancies and serve as contract officers in various government agencies. (As it is, aren’t our civil service departments already filled to the brim with non-productive leeches?)

To encourage more Malaysians to pursue Masters and PhD by financing tuition fees and research grants up to RM20,000 for student pursuing PhDs locally and RM10,000 for those taking Masters programme. (What are the criterias for one to be qualified to apply? If all unemployed undergraduates are eligible for these grants, would our local universities be capable of handling such huge intakes?)

Levy on foreign workers will be doubled for all sectors except construction, plantation and for domestic maids; the levy will be paid by the employers and not by the workers.

RM10 bil to ease the burden of the rakyat

To assist oil palm and rubber smallholders whose incomes have been affected due to declining commodity prices.

RM674 million in subsidies to be allocated to avert price increases of necessities, such as sugar, bread and wheat flour.

To provide RM480 million to ensure that toll rates are not increased. With these above measures, the government will allocate a sum of RM27.9 billion for subsidies in 2009. (Why are we still putting our hard earned money into these cronies’ pockets!!!???)

House buyers be given tax relief on interest paid on housing loans up to RM10,000 a year for three years.

RM200 million to repair and maintain drains and roads. (So, what happened to the RM500 million allocated in the 1st Stimulus plan for this purpose?????? This road and drainage repair works never seem to end, don’t you think so?? And we all know why that is so…….)

RM150 million for renovation, maintenance and repairs of welfare homes, fire and rescue stations and quarters, as well as public toilets in mosques, surau and tourist spots. (Isn’t this a little too much for renovation works? Do you smell “Happy Class F Contractors” with the fondness of marking up 100% on their contract sum, here?? !!!???)

RM1.95 billion to build and improve facilities in 752 schools, particularly in rural areas as well as Sabah and Sarawak, with RM300 million to be used to improve facilities in government-aided religious schools, national-type Chinese and Tamil schools as well as mission schools. (Do you notice Sabah and Sawarak seems to be getting a lot of allocation during budget announcements but they never seem to receive the actual amount at the end of the day?? Anyone care to tell where those money get channelled to???)

RM230 million will be provided to increase the coverage of electricity and water supply in rural areas, particularly in Sabah and Sarawak. (After 50 years, there’s still a need to increase coverage of these basic amenities!!!??? )

RM350 million will be provided for the construction of rural roads. (Once again, didn’t they already allocated RM500 million form the 1st stimulus plan for this purpose??? SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!)

RM1.2 billion to be allocated in Sarawak and Sabah. This include the expansion of Sibu Airport, deepening works at Miri Port, repair and improve infrastructure damaged by floods, upgrading of schools as well as construction of Lawas Training Centre, Kota Samarahan Industrial Estate and tourism facilities.

In Sabah, among the main programmes and projects to be implemented include building of Giat Mara centres, Kota Kinabalu Electricity Transmission System, as well as upgrading of schools, roads and bridges. The government to take action to resolve issues related to health services in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Sabah.

Existing tax exemption of RM6,000 given on retrenchment benefits be increased to RM10,000 for each completed year of service. Banks to allow retrenched workers defer the repayment of their housing loans for one year.

RM29 bil to assist the private sector

RM5 billion to provide working capital to companies with shareholder equity below RM20 million. The government to provide guarantee in the ratio of 80:20, that is 80% will be guaranteed by the government and 20% by the financial institutions.

To set up an Industry Restructuring Guarantee Fund Scheme totalling RM5 billion for loans to increase productivity and value-added activities, as well as the application of green technology.

Securities Commission to implement additional measures to reduce time-to-market to enable companies to raise funds in the capital market in a more efficient and cost-effective manner including doing away with approvals for rights issues by listed companies.

A new programme where permanent resident status would be considered for high-net-worth individuals bringing more than US$2 million for investments or savings in Malaysia.

RM5,000 discount to be given to car owners, who trade in their cars which are at least 10 years old, for the purchase of new Proton and Perodua cars. (HEY!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PROMISED IMPROVEMENTS ON PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION!!!!!!!!?????)

RM2 billion for a new LCCT at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, which is expected to be ready in 2011.

A rebate of 50% on landing charges will be given for a period of two years effective 1 April 2009 to all airlines that operate from Malaysia. Likely to result in lower air fares.

Company’s current year losses be allowed to be carried back to the immediate preceding year.

An Accelerated Capital Allowance to encourage companies to renovate and refurbish their business premises. The allowance is capped at RM100,000.

RM200 million to upgrade infrastructure in tourist spots, diversify tourism products, organise more international conferences and exhibitions in Malaysia as well as improve the homestay programme.

RM19 bil to build capacity for the future

To promote domestic private investments, the investment funds of Khazanah Nasional Berhad will be increased by RM10 billion.

Khazanah to invest RM3 billion in the telecommunications sector, which among others, will facilitate its subsidiary to improve broadband infrastructure.

RM1.7 billion of Khazanah’s investment to go into Iskandar project for the building of infrastructure, hotels, theme parks as well as universities.

RM5 billion for 23 projects implemented on off-budget basis, including LCCT at KLIA and the expansion of Pulau Pinang Airport at an estimated cost of RM2 billion and RM250 million.

RM2.4 billion for the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to improve telecommunication infrastructure.

RM100 million to build sky bridges and covered walkways between buildings, especially in the Golden Triangle, Kuala Lumpur.

RM2 billion for private finance initiative (PFI) and public-private partnerships.

RM20 million for Radio Televisyen Malaysia to implement several projects to develop the local music industry.

All government procurements will be made through open tenders or restricted tenders, except for specific cases. (This additional clause of “Specific Cases” totally freaks me out!!!!!)

I dont know about you guys……….but this 2nd Stimulus Package is definitely what I had anticipated……A COMPLETE DISAPPOINTMENT for the ordinary folks like me………

Like how an accountant friend quite aptly put it, insteadof spending on non-productive matters such as upgrading and increasing job placement centers and beautifying firemen’s quarters, the government could have implemented more people-friendly measures such as abolishing personal income taxes for individuals, quit rents and assessment rents for 2 years. This should be the true spirit of the stimulus plan, which is to help the rakyat get back on their feet. Instead, what we are seeing now is that it looks very much like the AMNO cronies and businessmen will be getting the bulk of the money.

Penang CM Lim Guan End also couldn’t have sum this up any better when he said;

“To stimulate the economy, the government should give the money to Malaysians, like what Singapore, Taiwan and even Thailand are doing.

“For the next two years, things are going to get bad.

“We need to help the poor families in order for them to have money for their day to day life.

“Currently, there is no direct financial aid to all Malaysians,”

Posted in BN, Budget, Economy, erniejean, government, Malaysia, malaysiakini, Najib Tun Razak, Observations, Opinions | Tagged: , , , , , | 5 Comments »

A System Based On Animalistic Brutality…….Malaysia Surely “Boleh”!!!!

Posted by ErnieJean on March 5, 2009

I was not surprised at all when the second post mortem by an independant pathologist revealed Kugan was beaten to death. But what truly shocked me to the core was the way he was repeatedly beated and tortured……….It definitely looked like Kugan was set upon by a pack of crazy rabid dogs…..I don’t care how much of a hardened criminal he was, but to die in such brutal circumstances……….It’s an OUTRAGE!!!!



Whoever did that the first post mortem report should have his practising license revoked!!! Does that look like a body of someone who died from water in his lungs!!?? And the AG is still dragging his feet on this, as expected, purportedly still waiting for more evidences to fall onto his lap from the sky or something…….One wonders why Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy case was executed with so much more speed……

I really wonder sometimes, did we Malaysians pay taxes to hire police officers to ensure the security and safety of all Malaysians or did we hire “Al-Qaeda Rejects” as someone’s personal watchdogs and mercenaries?

Speaking of cold blooded murders on the Taxpayers’ payroll, Raja Petra and Susan Loone were one of the first blogs to feature this write up in a French newspaper.

Check out for the original sworn statement, which so far was kept hidden, by one of the murderers, Sirul Azhar Omar during interrogation by the police on 19 November 2006.

It basically not only confirms how and why Altantuya was killed but also that they were hired to kill her…..and believe me, you’d weep like I did when you come to that part where they described killing her in cold blood like as if she was just a piece of worthless meat…………..

The Altantuya Shaaribuu’s case: how and why she was killed
Published in the Liberation French newspaper on 5th March 2009

This is the English translation of the Liberation French article:

Shaaribuu Setev is a bitter and disappointed man. Yet, behind the saddened face of this Mongolian lies a fierce determination. Seated in a sofa in the lobby of an Ulaan Baataar hotel rattled by gushes of a freezing wind, this sixty years old man is ready to fight. His face features, hardened by the suffering and the stern climate, and his intense gaze tell all. “My daughter has been murdered by Malaysians on Malaysian territory. And they did not have even offer a word of apology,” states this professor of psychology at the National University of Mongolia.

The assassination of his daughter, Altantuya Shaaribuu, took place in October 2006. This was a murder unlike others in a region where business conflicts or petty politics are often settled with a gun. Everything in this case, which started in 2002 when the French Spanish company Armaris concluded the sale of three submarines to the Malaysian government for the amount of one billion Euros, is out of the ordinary.

The impact of the “Altantuya case” in France, Malaysia and Mongolia has yet to reach its climax. The murder of the 28 year old Mongolian was the result of a “commission” at the price of 114 million Euros by Armaris to its Malaysian counterpart. This “commission,” which was acknowledged by the Malaysian government in front of the Parliament in Kuala Lumpur, has triggered a chain of events that has led to the assassination of Altantuya and the disappearance of several key witnesses in the case.

A report from the Malaysian police, written on 19th november 2006 and which has been kept secret until now (can be read below), reveals dry and precise descriptions as to how this young woman, a member of Asian high society, has been killed. In this document, one of the killers, a policeman of the Malaysian Special Branch named Sirul Omar, replied to the questions of an officer at a police station close to the murder scene. “When the Chinese woman saw that I was taking a gun, she begged me to spare her, saying she was pregnant. Azilah (the commanding officer of Sirul) grabbed her and [threw] her on the ground. I immediately shot the left side of her face. Then Azilah took off her clothes and put them in a black plastic bag. Azilah noticed that her hand was still moving. He ordered me to shoot again, which I did”, said Sirul. This is the first confirmation of Altantuya’s assassins’ identity. “Then we carried her body into the woods. Azilah wrapped the explosives around her legs, her abdomen and her head, and we exploded her.” (Do these people have souls!!!!!!???????)

The revelation of this report in the French newspaper Liberation is the latest chapter in this colourful and dramatic saga featuring French weapon sellers, Mongolian Shaman, and Malaysian politicians. This case is explosive not only for the Malaysian government, since the deputy Prime minister Najib Razak (who is scheduled to become Prime minister at the end of March) is suspected of having links to the case, but also because it could embarrass the DCNS, this French company specialising in military shipbuilding. The French Spanish company Armaris, which sold two Scorpène and one Agosta submarines to Malaysia in June 2002, was bought by DCNS in 2007.

With her magnetic beauty and sophistication, Altantuya is reminiscent of the troubling image of a Far East Mata Hari. She grew up in Saint Petersburg (Russia), then studied at the Institute of Economic Management in Beijing. Besides speaking English, she is fluent in Russian, Chinese and Korean. The fateful cycle for Altantuya came into gear when she met Abdul Razak Baginda in Hong Kong in 2004. Baginda is a security expert and the director of the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre, a pro-government think-tank. The two quickly became romantically involved. Altantuya, nicknamed Tuya by her friends, proved to be a useful assistant, helping Baginda translate from Russian to English.

Whereas Altantuya is young and beautiful, the rich and alluring Baginda is a well known figure of the Kuala Lumpur’s elite, notably because of his proximity to the Malaysian Deputy Prime minister and minister of Defense Najib Razak (he is also his security affairs adviser). Baginda parades in the most exclusive circles of Kuala Lumpur, sometimes accompanied by his legitimate wife.

In March 2005, Altantuya and Baginda departed for Europe, touring France, Germany, Italy and Portugal in the red Ferrari of Baginda, staying in posh hotels and dining in the finest restaurants of the old Continent. This trip, however, was not only for tourism: the contract for the sale of the submarines had been signed in 2002, but important details had yet to be settled. “We knew that Baginda was used by Deputy Prime minister Najib Razak as an intermediary for weapons systems deals, especially the high level ones,” says a regional security affairs expert.

At the end of March 2005 the couple was in Paris, where they met with Najib Razak. A picture shows the threesome in a Parisian private club. “Tuya showed me the pix. She said that one of the men was her boyfriend, Abdul Razak Baginda, and the other the “big boss”, Najib Razak. I asked her if they were brothers because of the names, but she said no, and that Najib Razak was the ‘prime minister’”, said Amy, Altantuya’s best friend (Najib Razak has sworn on the Koran that he has never met Altantuya). According to a private detective, now in hiding in India, the beautiful Tuya was also the occasional mistress of the deputy Prime minister, who was introduced to her by Baginda at the end of 2004.

The story became dramatic when, in October 2006, Altantuya was informed that the commission paid by the French-Spanish company Armaris had arrived on a Kuala Lumpur bank account. It had been paid to Perimekar, a company owned by Baginda. Altantuya rushed to Kuala Lumpur, in order to claim her share of the commission from Baginda ; she said she was entitled to 500,000 dollars. Baginda and Altantuya broke up prior to this. A jealous Rosmah Mansor, the feared businesswoman and wife of Najib Razak, objected any payment to Altantuya. Altantuya arrived in Kuala Lumpur with two other Mongolian women, one of them was a Shaman responsible for putting a spell on Baginda if he refused to pay. For several days, Altantuya harassed her ex-lover. (Funny isnt’ it? That even a foreigner knows her reputation….)

On the 18th of October, Baginda could no longer tolerate the daily scenes made by Altantuya in front of his house. He contacted the Director of the Special Branch, Musa Safrie, who happened to also be Najib Razak’s aide de camp. On October 19th, 2006, a little before 9 pm, two police officers of the Special Branch, Azilah Hadridan and Sirul Omar, were sent in front of Baginda’s house where Altantuya was gesticulating and shouting. They had the order of “neutralising the Chinese woman.” They kidnapped her, and drove her ten kilometers away and shot her several times. Then, they destroyed her body with C4 explosives, a type which can only be obtained from within the Defense Ministry. Her entry into Malaysia was erased from the immigration records. It would appear that Altantuya had never come to Malaysia, because there is no trace left of her.

There is no perfect crime. The taxi driver hired by Altantuya for the day did not appreciate that his passenger was kidnapped under his eyes without payment for the fare. He took note of the registration plate of the kidnapper’s car and filed a complaint at the local police station. In a few days, the police identified the car and realised that it was a government vehicle.

Events unfolded that even the Deputy Prime minister Najib Razak could not impede. He tried to cover the case. A few hours before the arrest of Baginda, he sent him a SMS: “I will see the Inspector General of Police at 11 am today… The problem will be solved. Be cool”. A few hours after, Baginda was arrested as well as the two police officers of the Special Branch, Azilah and Sirul.

After a trial considered dubious by many observers, Baginda was acquitted with the accusation of having ordered the murder and released in November 2008. Accused of having perpetrated the murder, Azilah and Sirul appeared in front of the Court last month. If convicted, their sentence is death. The verdict is scheduled for the 9th of April.

Thousands of miles from there, in the Mongolian capital city Ulaan Baataar, Shaaribuu Setev, Altantuya’s father, is trying to control his anger. To him and his family, the acquittal and release of Baginda is symbolic of the unfairness of the Malaysian judicial process: “The Malaysian government is not even answering to the letters from the Mongolian Foreign Affairs Ministry,” he says.

When Shaaribuu came to the Malaysian Parliament to meet Najib Razak, the Deputy Prime minister had to escape through a back door in order to avoid an embarrassing encounter. The Altantuya case has become a key element of the Malaysian political game between Najib Razak (who is expected to become Prime Minister after the United Malay Nation Organisation (UMNO) Congress in March) and the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. So far, Najib Razak has navigated around the obstacles, but the murder of the young Mongolian remains a sword suspended over his head.

One of the most obscure aspects of the Altantuya case is the role of the Armaris company. In October 2007, the Malaysian Deputy Defense minister, Zainal Abdidin Zin, acknowledged in front of the Parliament that Armaris had effectively paid 114 million Euros in commission to Perimekar. He maintained that it was not a bribe, but a payment for “support and coordination services.”

Was there corruption as in the case of the Taiwanese frigates in which the French DCNS was also implicated? DCNS, a private company with public financing, has declined our request for a meeting. “Nobody can comment on this case,” was the sober reply of the DCNS Press relations officer in Paris. A document, which could establish a link between Altantuya and the French company is the guarantee letter written by Abdul Razak Baginda so that his mistress could obtain a visa to enter the Schengen zone (of whom France is a member country). The French embassy could not refuse this service to a man decorated with the Legion d’Honneur. But the role of Altantuya in the submarines negotiations is still not clear. Intelligence agencies find her background intriguing and the Russian FSB (ex-KGB) is following closely the case.

In Ulaan Baataar, Mungunshagai, the eldest son of Altantuya, who is 12 years old, is traumatised by the death of his mother. Altanshagai, the youngest, who is five years old and mentally handicapped, has not understood that he will never see again his mother. “He is asking for her all the time and is staying the whole day prostrated on his chair. Every evening, I bring him sweets and I tell him that his mother gave it to me for him”, says Shaaribuu Setev, the grandfather of the two boys. As for Baginda, he settled down in the United Kingdom with his family. He never uttered a word of regret on the deadly fate of the one who shared his life for two years.

Arnaud Dubus (in Kuala Lumpur, Ulaan Baataar and Paris)

Do you still trust Mr. Policeman with your life and safety?

Do you trust our justice system to uphold justice and truth?

Do you trust our future PM and his scary wife with out nation’s well-being?

So, who can we trust????????????????????????????????????

Posted in Current Affairs, Dandelions, erniejean, Famous for Wrong Reason, government, Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak, Raja Petra Kamarudin | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments »